***πŸ°Β β€” part of MegaMafia


Name Description Site X Discord
Nectar AI 🐰 Decentralized platform to bring your dream girl & fantasies to life in seconds nectar.ai @TryNectarAI link
RPS Live A platform that brings AI to life rps.live @rps_live_gg -
RainMakr The ultimate AI launchpad - @RainMakr_xyz -

$\color{#000000}\colorbox{#32b288}{\textsf{DEX / Trading}}$

Name Description Site X Discord
Euphoria 🐰 A derivates trading platform euphoria.finance @euphoria_fi tg: link
GTE 🐰 A realtime spot DEX gte.xyz @gte_xyz link
Valhalla 🐰 The Perpetuals Exchange valhalla.exchange @alhallaperps link
MegaBot Native high frequency trading bot & sniper - @Mega_BotETH -
MegaDex V3 concentrated liquidity and an AMM protocol ecosystem megadex.app @megadex_labs -


Name Description Site X Discord
AWE 🐰 The engine to power the 3D internetβ€”open for everyone awe.box @awe_box link
Biomes 🐰 The first autonomous world biomes.aw @biomesAW link
Sweep 🐰 Stake your favorite gamers, win money sweep.gg @trysweep link
Pump Party 🐰 A live, interactive gameshow that millions will participate in simultaneously pumpparty.app @pumppartyapp -
Showdown 🐰 Trading card game built by top ranked Hearthstone and Magic players - @showdown_TCG link
Battlefold A strategy guessing game - @Battlefold_hq tg: link


Name Description Site X Discord
CAP Labs 🐰 Stablecoin engine for unreachable yield caplabs.io @CapLabs_ -
Noise 🐰 Discover and trade trends noise.xyz @noise_xyz -
Teko 🐰 Real-time money markets teko.finance @tekofinance link
Ren A distributed network that enables the movement of value between blockchains renprotocol.org @renprotocol -
StackUp Yield aggregator optimizing MegaETH returns - @usestackup -
StakeStone Omnichain liquidity infrastructure stakestone.io @Stake_Stone link
yields.fun Vault competitions & cross-chain strategies yields.fun @YieldsDotFun -
Avon 🐰 A composable order book-based lending protocol - @AvonProtocol -


Name Description Site X Discord
MegaRabbit Community-driven PFP collection - @MegaRabbitNFT -
MetaHop OG PFP Collection - @Meta_Hop -
Rabbit Mafia Rogue rabbits ruling the streets with flair and firepower - @RabbitMafiaNFT -
MekaETH Where experimental AI meets NFTs - @MekaETH_xyz -
Mega Cheetah A Unique PFP NFT That Symbolizes Speed, Strength and Coalition - @mega_cheetahnft -
Mega Buddies Unique collectible characters - @mega_buddies -
